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Early Writing


  • Writing is taught through different approaches such as novel study, cross-curriculum topic links and/or following children’s interest.

  • Writing is taught through teacher modelling.  This demonstrates writer’s thought processes, how to use resources to support writing and high expectations.

  • Previously taught graphemes should be highlighted, to ensure high expectations of children in applying these skills in their writing


Writing Lesson Structure

  • In all areas of EYFS provision, children have access to mark making and writing resources

  • Most lessons begin with teachers providing feedback from previous lesson where appropriate

  • Teaching includes the use of explanations and modelling of new concepts, shared and modelled writing, guided planning, vocabulary, opportunity for children to have a go.  Teachers/TAs expect to see CEWs and phonics mats out on tables during any writing activity. 

  • Groups are fluid – children may start in an adult led group and be sent to work independently and vice versa.



  • Teachers to use the Rotherham Grids/End of Key Stage Assessment to track and monitor children’s learning. 


Writing Books

Presentation of work in books is important and it is up to teachers to set high expectations: children are expected to write on lines (EYFS) and begin using line guides in Y1.  Children should be taught handwriting at least 3 times a week, highlight letter size and spaces.  Children begin to use leads in/joined handwriting in literacy sessions from Y1/2 (where suitable).


Developing Writing


Writing Lesson Structure

  • Writing at KS2 is taught through different approaches such as novel study, cross-curriculum topic links and/or following children’s interest

  • Writing maybe taught through the use of exemplars, where appropriate. In Phase 1 of the writing process, the children are guided through exploring an exemplar of the genre they’re going to be writing, selecting the features and learning and practising how to use those features. In Phase 2, the children will be guided through the planning process and then complete an independent piece of writing.

  • Most lesson begins with teachers providing feedback from the previous lesson where appropriate (sometimes the whole lesson becomes a feedback lesson if a common misconception has been identified e.g. comma splicing) Teachers may also use some of this time to revise some previous SpaG learning.

  • Teaching includes the use of exemplars, explanations and modelling of new concepts, shared and modelled writing, guided planning, vocabulary, opportunity for children to have a go.



  • Spelling is taught separately.

  • The spelling of common exception words is monitored by the class teacher, including ones from previous years that have not yet ‘stuck.’

  • Spelling rules are taught and then children are given the chance to practise and apply them.



  • Teachers/TAs/Children mark red books (live as much as possible) daily using mark codes (eg. FG for Focus Group, VF for Verbal Feedback) and teachers use whole class feedback to identify common misconceptions/organise focus groups/decide direction of next day’s learning.

  • Teachers/TAs mark red books for spelling errors and underline these with a wavy line. If it is a common exception work, it is expected that the children use the common exception word list for their year group to correct it in red pen. If it’s an ambitious spelling for that child, then the TA/teacher also write the correct spelling above and at the bottom of the piece of work for the child to Look, Cover, Write, Check. No more than 5 spellings are selected for this.

  • After each independent piece of writing, teachers will use the appropriate writing assessment grid to assess the writing.


Writing Books

  • Work is in date order so that books show a learning journey.

  • The full date and learning intention are displayed.

  • Children work in pencil and respond to feedback in red, unless it is an independent piece of writing, where they respond to verbal feedback in pencil.

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