Our curriculum enables children to:
Understand concepts, themes and genres
Acquire and apply knowledge and skill
Develop vocabulary
So that they:
develop a strong sense of belonging with a good understanding of the wider world.
be inspired to raise their ambition.
grow resilience as determined and independent individuals.
show kindness, respect and tolerance.
Intent: Through our PSHE curriculum children will access, acquire attempt and apply substantive (factual) and disciplinary (skill-based) knowledge whilst building on their PSHE vocabulary. They will follow the Jigsaw programme of study, working their way through six ‘puzzles’ including: Being me in my world, Celebrating difference, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships and Changing Me. At the start of each ‘puzzle’ the children will access their prior learning in this area before moving on to acquire new subject knowledge and skills relevant to their age group. As part of the Relationships and Healthy Me puzzle, pupils will be delivered the RSE curriculum which will include learning about healthy relationships.
Through our PSHE curriculum children will:
-be taught new knowledge through the implementation of the Jigsaw programme of study.
-explore key concepts through the new knowledge
-make links and group knowledge to develop schemas
-build vocabulary as a result of direct teaching
- regularly retrieve learning to move knowledge from short term to long term memory
-practice the skills acquired daily in social situations
-what children say (pupil questioning, explanations, discussion contributions, verbal retrieval)
-what children do (displays, floor books, mind-mapping for retrieval)
-how the children interact both with each other and with the adults in our community