Children's University

Harthill Primary School is very proud to be part of Children's University, encouraging and rewarding children to engage in a wide range of extra curricular activities, to explore their interests and talents, to try new things and to extend their Cultural Capital.
What is Children’s University?
Children’s University has been running in schools for over 15 years and is an award scheme for children that encourages, tracks and celebrates their participation in learning beyond the classroom. Children can collect credits through participating in Children’s University validated activities that include a learning focus, are voluntary and take place outside of school hours. This means that all after school clubs, run by staff members in school this year, will count towards credits in addition to the online learning platforms that children access out of school hours such as Times Tables Rockstars, Active Learn and Bedrock Vocabulary. Credits are awarded for taking part in clubs, online activities, and other activities done alone, or with the family, at home and in the local area. Children can keep a log of everything they do, and each hour of participation takes them one-step closer to their next certificate.​
When your child participates in an after school club or Children’s University qualifying activity beyond the classroom, your child will be given a stamp code that you can enter into Children’s University Online. These stamp codes include a colour and four numbers, like Red 2468. These codes are unique to each activity they do! This unlocks additional information about the activity they have attended such as skills and categories of learning they have engaged with and how many hours of learning beyond the classroom they have achieved. You will also have information about whether or not this is a single or multi use code and you will be able to use this code to add it to your child’s online account. Your child can also unlock further information, showing you the interests and skills your child is developing by taking part.
Collecting credits beyond school
Lots of out-of-school activities are validated as Children's University learning destination and credits can be collected for a range of these including rainbows, brownies, cubs, scouts, Excel Dance, Excel Martial Arts, craft sessions at libraries. Please see the Children’s University website for a programme of learning activities demonstrating the opportunities being provided in school and the area. We are currently working with families to support even more places to become validated learning destinations.
Each half term Children's University will send out the most recent newsletter that has a list of local Learning Destinations and home learning challenges that your child can earn credits for.
All children have their very own dashboard which will help them see how they’re progressing towards the next award level, reflect on the skills they’re building and help them find new activities. The aim is to gain enough hours, over a period of time, to allow them to graduate and gain a certificate for their efforts. There are also online-only exclusive badges that can be collected between graduations.
You can find the Children’s University award structure by following the links. This will tell you how
many hours are required to graduate and hit each award level/certificate.
Children’s University celebrates participation through awards and ceremonies. Silver and
Bronze Awards will be sent into school to be presented each term. For Gold Awards, there is a
special graduation ceremony each year, with children from all over the local area coming
together to celebrate their achievements. The Gold Awards will be presented at an official
awards ceremony in the Summer term for children who have achieved 100 credits. This
currently happens at Wales High School. We will send out reminders at key points of the year
to remind children to update their credits so they don’t miss out on gaining their certificates.
We are excited about the power of Children’s University and the impact that it will have on
pupils’ self-belief, ambition and aspirations. If you have any questions at all please speak to our Children’s University Co-ordinator, Miss Smales or Mrs Perkins.