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Mrs Crapper
Class Teacher


Mrs Perkins
Class Teacher

Stacey-Lea Bell.jpeg

Mrs Bell
Learning Support Assistant 

Welcome to Willow Class

Welcome to Willow's class page. Each half term we will share information about what we are learning and how you can help at home. 

Autumn 1 Newsletter

Autumn 2 Newsletter

Spring 1


Spring 2


Core Reads



Viking long houses

Willow have been looking at the impact of the Vikings on UK settlements. We have been working hard to answer the question 'Why do you think people choose to leave their home and invade another country?'. We have looked at a map of Europe to understand their journey to the UK via long boats. Through observation of artifacts, and reading historical evidence we have been able to discuss how effective we think their boats were for long journeys.

In DT we have created created viking long houses using art straws and other materials. Through observation we have copied the weaving used to create the 'wattle' walls which their homes were made. We know that they used willow to create the 'wattle' as it is a strong but flexible material.

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