We believe that, good behaviour stems from positive relationships and mutual respect between adults and children. We have high expectations for behaviour and believe that positive learning environments and enjoyable school experiences stem from this as well as ultimately enabling children to contribute efficiently to society as responsible citizens.
In order to achieve our aspirations and to enable effective teaching and learning to take place every school has effective strategies to establish good relationships and each staff member has a responsibility to ensure these strategies are upheld and fostered. Rather than focussing on unwanted behaviours, the value is put on positive behaviours, which enable and maximise learning. This approach helps pupils understand the behavioural skills they need, what the adult wants them to do, and why this will help them to learn. We do not presume that children will instinctively know how to behave well and as such behaviour is taught through a well thought out structure linked to each schools’ behaviour expectations. Where children struggle to understand and acquire the appropriate behavioural skills, schools will offer high challenge alongside high support. Through the effective teaching of good behaviour children will be guided to develop a moral compass alongside social awareness where they appreciate different view-points, values and choices. This in turn will empower children to recognise and make the right choices throughout their lives with empathy and respect for diversity.
Below you can access our Relationship and Behaviour Policy to find out more about how we support children at our school, as well as our Child on Child Abuse policy and the DFE guidance on Suspensions and Exclusions.
In January 2024 we held a drop in workshop for parents to deliver information about our behaviour policy, in response to some questions we had on the Autumn term questionnaire. Please see the link below for the powerpoint that was delivered at this session.

Week 5